Q&A: How does the lottery work? Series? Numbers?

Question by lovemeplease: How does the lottery work? Series? Numbers?
I just finished reading a short story and I’m wondering how the lottery works in this story. It involves series and numbers which are listed in the newspaper. Where is the lottery form from? Example : Series 9499, Number 26

Best answer:

Answer by Melkam Dirset
US Lotteries can be classified into 4 major groups:
1. One-number games that can be 3-digit or 4-digit games.
Examples are Cash 3, Cash 4.
2. Multi-number games with one set such as Lotto or Fantasy 5.
3. Multi-number games with two sets such as Powerball and Mega Millions.
4. Keno games

A brief and concise description of each type and how to play them can be found at http://www.us-lotteries.com/info/US-lotteries.asp (archived copy)

You can find more lottery resources and past winning numbers analysis at the following link https://www.lotterypost.com

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