If you hit the lotto?

Question by yahoocraze: If you hit the lotto?
What would you do if you hit the mega millions lotto? What SIX things would you do with it? (example: 1.buy a house, 2. buy a porsche, 3. nose job…etc)
I guess I should tell everyone what I would do with it! lol..Some old man hit the $ 370 million here in my hometown today, that’s what got me thinking…

1.buy houses and cars for my loved ones and myself

2.Take me and my family on a looong BEAUTIFUL vacation.

3. Pay for my son’s college

4. Get a nose job 😉

5.Give some “blessings” to people who need it

6. Set up a shelter for homeless animals!

Best answer:

Answer by tim48185
I would apologize to the mega millions, because it would be wrong of me to hit it 😛

Category: Uncategorized

16 Responses to “If you hit the lotto?”

  1. i would buy a low income housing development and give ppl a opertunity then be tottaly selfish with the rest of it

  2. ♥Amanda♥ Reply February 10, 2014 at 4:52 am

    1. major shopping spree
    2. buy a house
    3. get my hair done
    4. buy a major company

    and the rest i would split with the ppl i loved and st judes research hospital

  3. Pay off my bills. Get a bigger place, Get lots of cars, Get my family debt free if they would let me, Go on vacation, and quit my job.

  4. 1.) buy homes for me and my family
    2.) go on a year long vacation travel the world
    3.) make a stop and get my boobs done 😉
    4.)give to charity
    5.) buy some cars, yachts etc…
    6.)the biggest shopping spree ever

  5. My husband and I always talk about this then laught b/c we never play the lotto! lol
    1Buy house 2go on a nice trip 3 get something really awesome for both sides of the family 4 invest 5 retire 6 plastic surgery

  6. 1. Buy a house
    2. Buy a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
    3. Buy a Nissan Skyline GT-R
    4. Buy my mom a house
    5. Pay off all my moms debts
    6. Buy myself personal electronic devices (ps3, car stereo…)

  7. House, car, start a bussiness, travel, make a big donation, and share some with you!

  8. 1. Find a way to get my wife a new kidney.
    2. Take the kids to Disney for 2 weeks.
    3. Help friends and loved ones.
    4. Buy a new house in the suburbs.
    5. Get my wife the car she’s always wanted.
    6. Pay off all of our debts.

  9. 1. buy a dog
    2.buy a house
    3.buy a car
    4.set up a collage fund
    5.buy new stuff
    6.buy a boat

  10. new clothes shoes and stuff, chocolate, gum, candy, more clothes but im not a grown up do i can do anythin with my money..i dont gotta pay bills yay!!

  11. 1. pay off all my bills
    2. help my friends and family
    3. buy alot of land in the mountains of Montana
    4. build a cottage, on the land, for me and my husband
    5. get some work done on my body
    6. help save the earth, from global warming

  12. I would build a school
    I would go on a vacation
    I would buy a really really nice car
    I would buy a boat
    I would buy a beach house
    I would give some away

  13. I’d plan a trip for my whole family. Buy cars for myself and for my siblings. Build houses for investment and for my siblings. Get my neices and nephew the most expensive gift they want. And treat my friends to a grand vacation all expenses paid for.

  14. 1. Get divorced
    2. Build a home in Freiburg Germany
    3. Pay my parents home off and buy them new cars.
    4. Buy my nephew a car.
    5. Pay for my daughters, niece and nephews college.
    6. Build an awesome log home with awesome landscaping.

  15. 1. buy a bigger house
    2. get more clothes
    3. take a vacation
    4. pay of debt
    5. pay for college
    6. buy a new car

  16. My parents won the Colorado State lotto back on 30 January 1993 when I was 13 (I’m all grown up, married, have my own family and live out of country now).
    (only my dad’s name appears on the sheet – & if you want to know who he is, look at my 360 page and see where I grew up)

    They won 5 million, but there were two other winners so each wound up only getting $ 1,783,674.00. Back then they only had annuity (to be paid out over 25 years) so they’re still getting their yearly checks. My mom quit her job after that.

    My parents are very religious and spent a good portion of the money that they first got to help build a Catholic orphanage in India (one of our close family friends is a Catholic priest from India).

    If I were to win the lotto (when I go back for visits):
    * I would put money away for my kids college and for when their older
    *I would make sure all my parents and my husbands parents bills were taken care of and they don’t have to worry about anything for the rest of their lives
    *I would donate to a charitable orginazation
    *I would put the rest in investment savings to save for the future.

    I hope that someday you do win the lotto so you can do all you want to do – but be careful – you will get a lot of calls from people trying to get you to “cash out” your lotto check, which basically mans they get about 45% of YOUR money, so don’t fall for it! Otherwise, good luck!

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