Q&A: How to win the lottery?
Question by taylor: How to win the lottery?
I am just wondering if someone were to go on the lottery website look at the winning numbers in the website and go buy a lottery ticket as well as picking the numbers would it still be concidered winning?
Best answer:
Answer by pdq
So tonight, for example, the number “444” comes out in the lottery. Then you go out and buy the number “444”.
Is that what you’re wondering? If you win by doing that?
I’ll fight the urge to insult you and just tell you, “no”. That’s not how it works. Once a lottery drawing is over, any lottery purchases are for the NEXT lottery drawing.
Lottery ticket sales are all computerized. The computers are programmed to stop selling tickets for the current lottery before the drawing.
When you buy a ticket, there is a bar code on the ticket. That represents the ticket in the computer system. It tells where and when you bought the ticket, what numbers you picked, AND the date of the drawing.
The numbers and date are also printed clearly on the ticket.
It will do you no good to alter your ticket for next week to make it look like you have the winning numbers for this week. The computer will tell the truth.
You may get free room and board for the next 10 years, but I’m sure you wouldn’t like the accommodations — or your roommates.
It's just luck!
In spite of people telling you that any individual number has an equal chance of being drawn you will never see 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 in a row in your life time when you are trying to pick several numbers from the same pool of numbers. You will get a range of numbers. This is because there tends to be a BALANCE TO RANDOMNESS when multiple numbers are being picked from the same pool of numbers. If all you are trying to pick is one number out of 53 than yes, each individual single number has an equal chance of being chosen. This all changes when you are trying to pick multiple random numbers out of the same pool of numbers. Out of, say, a pool of 53 numbers, you will see numbers somewhat spread out from 1 to 53 within the range of the numbers of the particular Lotto you are playing. The major Lotto games have you choose five numbers with a separate mega number. This being so, your 5 numbers should add up to around 150 to 165. Add up the last 100 lotto results and see what the average totals are. Pick your numbers to add up within that range. As your mega number use the number that is the most frequently one picked from the stats given on the lotto website. For the California Mega Lotto it is #36. Or just use any mega number as this is the case where any one number is just as likely to be drawn as any other number. Also, just bet $ 1 as this is just as lucky as betting $ 10. In reality, the lotto is one of the worst bets you can make. But, someone has to win and why can’t it be you? Good Luck. m
Here’s some tips I was given that you may find useful: DON’T have regular special numbers – they can become a millstone round your neck so you dare not ever forget to play them. DON’T choose birthday or calendar date numbers – millions of people do that and you’ll probably have to share any win. DON’T choose consecutive numbers (like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Amazingly, tens of thousands of people do this, so your win share could be very small. DO consider quick picks (lucky dips) – it seems to help if you don’t try to figure out your own choices. Better still, find a way of getting what you could think of as your own ‘personal quick pick’. There’s an online number generator that could be worth a try. Look for VillaLibra lucky numbers and see if you can locate it. Only for fun, of course, but you never know…
Buying multiple lottery tickets increases your chances of winning a lottery jackpot.Do not spend more than what you can afford to lose. Good Luck.