how does the italian lottery work?
Question by Bart: how does the italian lottery work?
im doing a paper in school about gambling the legal parts and illegal parts and need to know how the italian lottery works i am a law abiding citizen and do not plan on starting my own lottery
Best answer:
Answer by Brown eyes
The SuperEnalotto is the flagship lottery game in Italy – a country which has various lotteries that are drawn right across the country.
Within the Italian Lottery system, there are individual, regional lotteries run by Lottomatica and drawn in cities such as Bari, Florence, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Rome and Venice.
The origins of the Italian lottery (in Italian “gioco del lotto”) can be traced to the 16th century in the Republic of Genoa, where every year five members of the Senate weere chosen among the 120 members of the City Council by means of a draw. Since numbers were associated to any of the council members, people began to bet on which numbers will be drawn and consequently which candidates will become Senators.
Only in 1620 the lottery game became a legal and regulated business in Genoa, while in other parts of Italy continued to be considered an illegal activity such as gambling with cards and dice.
The position of the Catholic Church was also of total prohibition, and in 1728 Pope Benedict XIII threatened to excommunicate anyone who had taken part in organizing or playing lotteries. The view of his successor, Clement XII, was radically opposite because he saw in the lottery a useful way to provide a dowry to young and needy unmarried girls, so just three years later (in 1731) the Roman lottery was born. In 1734 the Government of the Republic of Venice enacted the rules of the Venetian Lottery (five numbers drawn from a rotating drum containing 90 spheres with numbers from 1 to 90), which remained the same for centuries and gradually were adopted in the rest of Italy.
Various attempts were made in history to abolish the lottery. Italian math scientist Bruno de Finetti (1906-1985) coined the definition of the lottery as a “tax on stupidity”, yet lottery has became so popular throughout the times that the frequency of draws increased from twice or thrice yearly to forthnightly in 1807, weekly in 1871, twice weekly in 1997 and three times a week in 2005.
The Italian lottery also spawned other betting games, such as “enalotto”, “superenalotto” and “10 e lotto”.
Italian Super Enalotto is the next version of the glorious Enalotto.It was played in 1950s and Re-launched in 1997.It becomes so popular in Italy because of its simplicity and record breaking wins.