Q&A: How safe is Free Lotto. How do I stop my information being shared?

Question by : How safe is Free Lotto. How do I stop my information being shared?
How safe is Free Lotto. I do not want to share my credit card details with out being sure that my account will not be cleaned out.

Best answer:

Answer by G
There are 2 different free lotto. One is a scam. Read http://www.consumerfraudreporting.org/lotteryscam_FreeLotto2.php

Category: Uncategorized

One Response to “Q&A: How safe is Free Lotto. How do I stop my information being shared?”

  1. Freelotto.com is a real free online lotto game and is best played in free mode. Their paid auto entry service FAST is better avoided in my opinion. Note: Freelotto.com has some doggy advertising that sounds like you already won, like the PCH ads that send a check and tell you in ant print that’s what the check will look like IF you win, you didn’t win! People overseas who do not read english well are often fooled and then go crazy trying to collect their imagined winnings complaining on rip off warning sites. However, there are many scammers that copy and paste parts of the freelotto.com website into emails saying you won something, send info and maybe money for all sorts of logical sounding reasons like taxes, all a scam. You never have to pay to claim a real prize. You have to fill out a prize claim form that comes in the mail (never e-mail) have it notairzed and return it to wait for a check. Scammers often send certified checks telling you a portion of the amount is to pay taxes, that you must deposit the check and send back the taxes, THE CHECK WILL APPEAR TO CLEAR AND LATER BOUNCE !!! You will owe bank fees for depositing a bad check no matter what your stupid excuse may be for doing so and you will owe the bank what you sent the scammers as well.

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