Tag Archives: would

What would happen if you found a winning lotto ticket?

Question by Rawrrrrr: What would happen if you found a winning lotto ticket? I am wanting to write a story about a woman who finds a jackpot winning lotto ticket, but I am not sure if she could cash it in since she just found it in a park. Would she need proof of purchase? [...] Read more
Category: Uncategorized

How many Lotto tickets would I have to buy in order to have a fair chance at winning?

Question by l3en: How many Lotto tickets would I have to buy in order to have a fair chance at winning? Estimate for like an average lotto, for a 1 in 10 chance. Best answer: Answer by Toshithe odds of winning the lotto is 1 in a million. To make it simplified 1 in 10 [...] Read more
Category: Uncategorized
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