Tag Archives: uk

In the UK Premium bonds are becoming more popular everyday. Millions of people are investing in these bonds and some are questioning if they are really worth it. Premium bonds were introduced in 1956 as a way to get the public to invest into the British Government. This was set up like a lottery so [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

Bizarre Facts About Premium Bonds
Premium bonds marked their sixtieth anniversary in November 2016. They have been the most popular form of investment in British history. Premium bonds are bought and kept by over 40% of Great Britain’s populations. Where traditional investments yield a small return over time, premium bonds yield no return at all but give the investor a [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

Can EXPats and Non British Investors Purchase Premium Bonds?
Premium bonds are is the most unique way of saving money in Great Britain. In increments from a hundred pounds to up to fifty thousand pounds, the government will secure your money. The government will use your money for civil projects and in return, the bond numbers on your bonds will be put into a [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

Conspiracy Theories About Premium Bonds
As with most things that are connected with the government, conspiracy theories are generated to prove or disprove unfairness between two parties or plots to hurt the population. Premium bonds are not isolated from these kinds of attacks. Conspiracy theorists have accused the National Savings and Investments agency of defrauding the public and Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

Facts about Premium Bonds
Premium bonds are the British answer to the need for savings and the fun of gambling. Each bond you buy will have a specific number. The number of the bond is put into a numbers generating machine and monthly thousands of numbers are chosen randomly to receive a cash prize in lieu of interest. The [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

Fun Facts and Myths about Premium Bonds
There are many web pages dedicated to successes of the premium bond program in Great Britain but there are also some false facts that are circulating around the net that gives premium bonds a bad name and puts out false information that would keep some otherwise wise investors from even purchasing their first bond lot. [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

How to Claim Your Premium Bonds Winnings
Premium bonds are a great way to save money and at the same time have a chance to winning up to a million pounds. Each one pond bond has a unique number on it that is put into an automatic number generator machine that produces numbers for a monthly lottery. If your number is picked [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

What If Americans Adopted the Premium Bonds Program
The British have found a unique way to invest their money. By buying premium bonds the citizens of Britain can enter their bond numbers into a lottery each month and have a chance to win over a million pounds. There are millions of other cash prizes that awarded to the bond numbers drawn and this [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

Premium Bonds and the Difference Between NSI and Banks
When looking for investments such as premium bonds, you might be confused by the difference between a bank and the National Savings and Investments. Banks are usually private institutions. When you save you receive an interest on your money. The interest is determined and set by the bank which generates profit off of your money. [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds

Premium Bonds The Best Saving Practice for the British Citizen
There are many ways to save your money. Some people do not trust banks or the government to keep their money and keep it stored in a safe at home or even in a jar in the kitchen cabinet. The money just sits there with no interest and no chance of earning anything but a [...] Read more
Category: Premium Bonds