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Lotto Magic the Magic in Numbers

Voila! So, one can make money playing the Florida Lottery from anywhere in the world! At least that’s what I’ve been told. What an ingenious idea. Well, what if your own personal numbers never come in to make you a winner? So what, there are generally seven (7) other players assigned to your team as [...] Read more

How to Skyrocket Your Odds of Winning the Lottery

If you’re like me then you probably enjoy playing the lottery but are still waiting for the ‘big win’. You may even be disappointed you don’t seem to get very many of those ‘little wins’ either. I used to be one of those disappointed every week too… Although everyone knows that the chances of winning [...] Read more

Managing A Lottery Syndicate For Dummies

Lotteries offer the common person a glimmer of hope to become rich and solve all of their financial problems. People realise these days that the more lottery tickets you hold, the better your chances of winning are. For the UK National Lottery, there are about 45,000,000 different combinations so if you have one line, or [...] Read more

Lottery Syndicates – Should You Participate?

There are times when you’ve got to look up to the power of “One” and there are times when you just have to say “Team”. When talking of lotteries, you increase your chances of winning manifold when you participate in a lottery club/syndicate. A lottery club/syndicate online harnesses the power of the internet to enable Read more

Is Participating In A Lottery Syndicate Better Than Playing Alone?

When considering the prospects of joining a lottery syndicate a key question that props up unfailingly is that what makes playing in a syndicate better than going alone, that too when you have to share your winnings with others. Well, there are several reasons why it pays to play with a syndicate rather than play [...] Read more
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